
It’s 2018, and Alberta children are the most fortunate across the country when it comes to connectivity. When we dreamed Alberta’s future, we dreamed unlimited global connectivity. We told ourselves that when the future judged how big we dreamed, it would not say that we dreamed small.

Is FTTP the key to economic prosperity? According to Amazon’s RFP for new city headquarters, access to high-speed internet may be the deciding factor.

Is your business leading the way or just reacting? Access to big data 24/7 keeps your business competitive. Find out the benefits of cloud technologies and FTTP networks.

Do you work for one of Alberta's 429 municipalities? If the answer is yes, make sure your team has access to the SuperNet, a high-performance network up to speed with the latest tech trends.

FTTP allows agribusiness Sunterra Farms to link with customers worldwide and analyze data to improve productivity in livestock. What else can a hook up to the SuperNet do?