Why fibre is critical to your security plan
When it comes to security, today’s businesses have so much more to consider than they used to. In addition to securing their operational sites from physical threats and intrusion, they also have to think about cyber security.
Fortunately, fibre optic networks provide them with the ability to stay three steps ahead of potential threats. A fast Internet connection means business managers and owners have 24-hour access to all aspects of an operation. They can deploy all of the latest technology tools to secure their future and they can take advantage of cloud security tools and offsite monitoring of physical security.
Fibre optic cable is the backbone of the most sophisticated security systems around. .F.ibre optic security systems are used to protect nuclear weapons storage sites, power stations in the U.S. and data centres.
When it comes to perimeter protection, you have two choices: sensors or video. Many businesses opt for a combination of the two. Sensors are ideal for detecting changes and alerting business about potential threats and video provides a detailed analysis of what is going on.
Fibre optic for intrusion detection
Sensors can provide complete coverage at a low cost, which is ideal for infrastructure like pipelines used in the oil sector. One the most effective methods of putting fibre optic cable to work for your security is distributed acoustic sensing. With this system, both ends of a fibre optic cable that is designed to have variation in its refraction index are connected to an interrogator unit which sends out pulses of light and measures the return light for variation. Any seismic vibration near the fibre will stretch it, changing the rate at which the light returns to the interrogator.
Fibre optic for video surveillance
Video surveillance is another instance in which fibre is the preferred cable for the local network. Fibre-enabled video surveillance allows managers to check in at any time of day or night. Some video surveillance systems even allow remote viewers to zoom in and control the movement of the camera. Businesses can save money with a service that monitors a video feed remotely. This means that businesses such as hotels can give guests peace of mind without the expense of additional on-site security staff.
An IP surveillance camera has other functions as well. For example, in a retail operation, the cameras you have set up to detect threats in the off hours can measure customer volume during business hours, alerting management to staffing needs throughout the day. This can be especially helpful at large sites such as auto dealerships. Imagine a video surveillance system that has learned to differentiate between interested shoppers and browsers. This would allow your sales team to focus their efforts on the customers most likely to buy.
Fibre optic for cyber security
Fibre optic Internet is inherently more secure. The signal is difficult to intercept, particularly within an MPLS network. A fibre optic network also means you can respond to any issues that arise with equivalent or superior speeds to your attacker’s. In sensitive industries such as the financial sector, this level of responsiveness is critical. Fibre also enables businesses to use coud security tools.
Fibre optic for a secure future
Security is about more than the direct threat of someone intent on damaging or robbing your business. Security is also about keeping the environment stable and safe. The same sensors and cameras used in security systems can alert managers when power has gone out or when the temperature has fluctuated. And sensors can track air quality. For large agricultural operations, this can save thousands of dollars in damage to livestock.
More than anything, security is about ensuring your ability to do business in the future. In that sense, an FTTP network is your best security plan, hands down. FTTP future-proofs your business by ensuring that you can keep pace with technological advances as you need to. And no industry today is immune to the threat of being left behind by technology.
For more information on our fibre connectivity solutions, contact your Axia salesperson at sales@axia.com or 1-866-773-3348.